Instruct ULTRA

7th Instruct Internship programme

Internships funding has two components: One component covers travel and subsistence expenditures for the fellow up to 6000 Euros. The second component is a regular Instruct Access Project associated to the internship, contemplating a maximum expenditure of 6000 Euros (equivalent to 4 access visits), following standard cost rules for Instruct Access Projects

Internships facilitate valuable collaborations with Instruct research groups applying techniques that are not available in the applicant’s laboratory and the long duration of awards allows interns to gain in depth experience in the host laboratory.

In preparing your application please consider that:

  • Applications should focus on the benefit to the applicant’s research. 
  • Internships cover travel plus subsistence of the intern only and not of employees. 
  • Applicants should be pre-doctoral scientists (PhD students) and early-stage postdoctoral fellows.
  • Internships are awarded for scientists spending a research period in an Instruct-ERIC centre.
  • The home laboratory (applicant’s usual workplace) must be within an Instruct-ERIC Member country
  • Applications should be presented as a research project utilising at least one Instruct technology not available in the home laboratory. 
  • Instruct-ERIC does not consider applications for Internships to prolong visits begun under other auspices, or as bridging internships between, or prior to, long term stays funded by other organizations.
  • Applications for internships to attend courses, workshops or symposia will not be considered. 
  • Successful interns are encouraged to submit an access proposal to contribute to their consumable costs during their visits. The proposal must clearly indicate its connection to an awarded internship. Funding through this route is proportional to the internship duration for covering costs of hosting centre and is capped to 6000 Euros. 
  • On completion of the internship applicants must return to their home laboratory.
  • Within 6 months of the completion of the internship applicants must submit a report. 

Call Submission Guidelines

The Application and Review Process

The applications process is handled via the online application system and written in English.

  • Applications received or completed after the start of the visit will not be considered.
  • The Receiving Institute/Laboratory Acceptance Form must be attached to the online application.
  • Applications will be refereed by at least two experts in the area of the research project within the training committee
  • The training committee is asked to judge the quality of the candidate and the research project with the major criterion being the projected benefit to the applicant’s research project of accessing Instruct expertise and technologies towards the research outcome.
  • As soon as a decision is reached, normally within two months from submission of a complete application, applicants are informed promptly.

Duration of support

Internships are intended for visits of minimum 3 and maximum 6 months.

Travel costs and subsistence expenditures

The internships cover travel plus subsistence expenditures of the intern but not of any dependents. According to the length of the internship the support for subsistence will be capped to €3000-€6000.

The hosting centre supports in sourcing accommodation. Successful interns are encouraged to apply for funding to contribute to their consumable costs through an access proposal clearly indicating the connection to an awarded internship. Request of funding through this route will be commensurate with the internship project, limited to consumable costs and in no case exceed 6000 Euros.

End of Internship report

Within 6 months after completion of the internship the intern has to submit an Internship report through the online submission system available in the intern dashboard.

The end of Internship report should detail your research objectives, results and further work to be undertaken. Diagrams, charts or figures may be included in the report.


Call Closes:
07-Sep-2019 18:00 CEST

Click the button to begin your application for this call. Your draft applications will also appear here as well as on your dashboard and can be continued at any point.

To submit a proposal you must either login or register.

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